This is simply a place for Fat Bikers to find and share the best places to ride. Bikes with tires under 3 inches are not welcome here. We try to highlight the things that can only be done with a Fat Bike.
We want to hear from you! If you have a favorite Fat Tire Bike ride please tell us about it on our Share the Fatness page. We are looking for the best beaches, sandy trails, snow rides and anything else that can only be done with a set of fatties under you.
To make some Fat Tire Tracks of your own click a marker on the map below and then the “More details” link. You can also checkout our New Rides Page for our latest additions.
**You may have to pan and zoom when there are multiple rides in the same area.**
– Beach Rides
– Fat Bike Trails
-Winter Trails
Click to see a larger version of the fat bike ride map >>

I realy like how you did the map